Chelsea Pearl was an entertainer living in the Lexington, Kentucky area but she had traveled all over the country performing at various venues. We sadly lost Chelsea in October of 2021. We salute the artistry that was Chelsea Pearl.
Titles and Awards
Miss Kentucky Large and Lovely 2016
Prelim to Miss Large and Lovely
2nd Alternate to All American Goddess 2009
(Final Night Talent Winner)
Bluegrass All American Goddess 2009
Prelim to All American Goddess
Miss Shining Star Continental Plus 2008
Prelim to Miss Continental Plus
Miss Masque 2008
Club Masque – Dayton, Ohio
Miss Gay Georgia USofA Classic 2006
Prelim to Miss Gay USofA Classic
Miss Gay Ohio USofA Classic 2005
Prelim to Miss Gay USofA Classic
Miss Gay Kansas USofA at Large 1994
Prelim to Miss Gay USofA at Large

Chelsea Pearl: Captured Moments

Chelsea Pearl: Archives
- Photo Archives
- 2002
- 2011
- 2013
- 2014
- 2015
- 2016
- 2020
Chelsea Pearl: Performance History
Some venues and events that Chelsea has been a part of include:
- Florida
- Orlando: Parliament House
- Illinois
- Chicago: Baton Show Lounge
- Indiana
- Fort Wayne: After Dark Nightclub
- Indianapolis: Talbott Street
- Terre Haute: Zim Marss Restaurant & Bar
- Kentucky
- Lexington: Pulse Nightlife – Soundbar
- Ohio
- Akron: Interbelt Nite Club
- Cincinnati: Adonis the Nightclub – Cabaret
- Columbus: Axis Nightclub
- Tennessee
- Johnson City: – New Beginnings
- Virginia
- Richmond: Godfrey’s
- West Virginia
- Huntington: Stonewall Club