Mr. Akron Stripper of the Year

Mr. Akron Stripper of the Year is a prelim to Mr. Ohio Stripper of the Year.

This pageant has been held at Flame in Akron, Ohio.

Mr. Akron Stripper of the Year Titleholders

Mr. Akron Stripper of the Year Titleholders

Mr. Akron Stripper of the Year History

Mr. Akron Stripper of the Year 2019

Mr. Akron Stripper of the Year 2015 – 2018

Needs researched.

Mr. Akron Stripper of the Year 2014

  • Winner –
Show Ad | Flame (Akron, Ohio) | 11/30/2013
Show Ad | Flame (Akron, Ohio) | 11/30/2013

Mr. Akron Stripper of the Year 2013

Mr. Akron Stripper of the Year 2012

Author: admin